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Design Thinking for comfort

Design Thinking for comfort

We believe that the connection between the best materials and good design can convert the time under the...

The new structured range for refined bathrooms – the HOESCH Tierra designer shower range made of sustainable Solique.

The new structured range for refined bathrooms – the HOESCH Tierra designer shower range made of sustainable Solique.

HOESCH, the renowned Düren-based bathroom manufacturer, sets great store by working in as well-structured a...

Key facts and tips about steam bathing

Key facts and tips about steam bathing

Why is a steam bath good for you?

Bath accessories Experience natural materials…

Bath accessories Experience natural materials…

Think of useful bathroom accessories

How showering boosts your vitality and beauty

How showering boosts your vitality and beauty

For most people, showering is part of their daily hygiene routine. The warm water seems to make all the...

Banish stress in your personal steam paradise…

Banish stress in your personal steam paradise…

A thoroughly modern enticement. Steam baths are the absolute latest in a comfortable wellness experience.

Steaming and showering - Spoil all your senses

Steaming and showering - Spoil all your senses

To relax totally means to relax all five senses.

Key facts and tips about whirling

Key facts and tips about whirling

In what way is whirl bathing good for our health?

A bubbling source of health and happiness

A bubbling source of health and happiness

The natural way to unwind Even our forefathers knew that bathing in bubbling warm water releases the pure...

Key facts and tips about bathing

Key facts and tips about bathing

Why is a hot bath good for your health? Bathing in warm water has been shown to have a therapeutic effect on...