
World Design Day - 27 April

World Design Day - 27 April

What do elegant shoes, unique furniture and a comfortable bathtub or shower have in common? The answer is simple - unique design - a unique project that inspires us every time we use it!

And today we can't help but celebrate its exclusivity and individuality - because today is World Design Day!

And what is design?

According to the definition, design, also called industrial design, refers to the appearance of useful objects or devices. The term also refers to the process of designing and drawing that shows the exact solution of a certain product, especially its decoration and aesthetics.

And what does HOESCH design look like?

Our designers have many years of experience and carry out their projects according to the principles of design thinking. Work on each project begins with a brainstorming session. During the brainstorming process, the HOESCH design team tries to respond to the ever-growing needs of our clients. Factors that may limit comfort are analysed. The designers focus on what needs to be done to improve already excellent ideas. This requires both empathy and reference to observation and experience. The best ideas emerge from these discussions and are then put to the test. This method allows designers to overcome patterns and identify the needs of our clients. Design thinking leads to the best responsive solutions. This is true user experience design. It is also worth highlighting that our team is very close and we value the sense of community. The atmosphere of mutual respect allows us to fully engage in the tasks we undertake. When we work together, we are aware that it is absolutely permissible to share our innovative ideas. Only in such a good atmosphere can such good products be created, which then ensure the highest bathing quality!

We encourage all users of our products to celebrate Design Day with us! Take your favourite wine, put on your favourite music and feel the quality of the designs that have been developed for you and your needs!