HOESCH Inspirations 01/12/2021

Winter time is bath time

Winter time is bath time

Stress, tiredness, bad weather... all these influence our mood. In winter time, when it gets dark quickly, it is especially unpleasant for us. However, there are many ways to improve our mood. Within our own four walls, we can let our soul dangle... with a relaxing bath, for example. Feel this soothing effect on your skin.

A shower or bath is the perfect opportunity to relax. Imagine a familiar, cosy interior, warm air, the soothing sound of water. The air is filled with the familiar scent of your favourite cosmetics. All this gives you a feeling of comfort and well-being. Time spent in the shower or bathtub is a moment of detachment from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, where life's worries become a thing of the past.

Apart from the positive effects on the mind, a bath also has a beneficial effect on our body. A cold shower or an alternating shower with warm and cold water is known to strengthen our immune system. This has a positive effect on the circulation, the nervous system, the metabolism and, of course, our defences. Alternating showers also help to improve the thermoregulation of the entire organism. Thanks to them, our body can function better and is protected from overheating or cold.

A refreshing shower in the morning is an excellent way to activate our circulation. Remember to take some time before you leave the house.  It has also been proven that a cold shower boosts the metabolism, which leads to purification and can even help with weight loss. In the evening, it's worth taking a longer, relaxing hot bath. Especially when our body is freezing. A hypothermic body is susceptible to viruses and bacteria and a warm bath helps to counteract this.