Glas panel trapezoidaloidaloidale-shaped

Product number
Glasverkleidung Trapez
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Glas panel trapezoidale-shaped

Glas panel trapezoidaloidaloidale-shaped



Set colour accents! With this additional option, you can harmoniously round off your bathroom colour concept: with a mirror-smooth glass cladding for your bathtub. Choose your desired colour from the earth tones: Black, slate grey, telegrey, stone grey or white. Costly walling and re-walling of the baths is a thing of the past. The bathtub base frame is completely pre-assembled and the individual panes can be attached quickly, easily and securely using a magnetic system. These claddings are ideal for whirlpool tubs, as only the glass panel needs to be removed for maintenance or repairs and the whirlpool system is easily accessible.

Technical Data

More Information
Typ Glasverkleidung Trapez
Intrasat weight 0.0
EAN code 4044559016583
Glass thickness 8

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Glas panel trapezoidaloidaloidale-shaped